Game 26: Me(10k) vs Bazilikan (8k)
Go teaches that when up against opposition, one must be calm and rationale and not lose themselves to anger. This applies in real life situation. This includes Texas Hold'em, arguments with friends, and driving. If one loses themselves to anger, they will lose money, friends, and even their life. Go is a game, but it can be used as a tool to see who you are through your game. It is possible to see your own personal weaknesses be the same as your weaknesses in your game.
When I play go angrily, I try to play as aggressive as I can, especially when I lose one of my groups early in the game. In go, groups need to create two eyes in order for them to be not surrounded and captured. When two eyes are not created, the group is called a dead group. Stones that separate groups are called cutting stones. This allows the player to make threats to kill a group that does not have two eyes.
Here is an image of living groups that have two eyes. These groups cannot be captured.

Players who wish to get better at go, work on Life and Death problems. There are problems that require you to make a living a group, and there are also problems that require you to kill your opponent's group. Unfortunately, I was never very good at life and death, which will be obvious in this game.
In this short game. I recently lost my ASR League game against Suai, and then Bazilikan offered to play a game against me. The trouble started when I pincered by white and didn't know how to respond to the peep. Then, it all went downhill, because I did not protect the right cutting point. As a result, I paid a heavy price by losing my group. I did not see clearly, and my group died in gote, which was very frustrating. As a result, I made many moves that I thought were aggressive to try to make up the points. Afterward, I realized they extremely easy to refute, and it was not the type of play I would normally make. Through my anger, I allowed my two groups to die in this game.
However, in the future, I will be more mindful of my temper. So at least, I can give my opponent a decent game.
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[10x60 byo-yomi]
PW[Bazilikan]PB[Bonaparte]WR[8k]BR[10k]DT[2010-01-16]PC[The KGS Go Server at]C[Bonaparte [10k\]: good luck
;W[dd]WL[1674.164]C[Bonaparte [10k\]: just because it's not ranked
;B[cf]BL[1780.702]C[Bazilikan [8k\]: intresting
;W[fe]WL[1540.866]C[Bazilikan [8k\]: im recrating this on my goban
;B[ac]BL[1592.814]C[Bazilikan [8k\]: do i hear death in gote anyone?
;W[kp]WL[1486.608]C[Bonaparte [10k\]: I'm awful at life and death
;W[rr]WL[1408.112]C[Suai [6k\]: ouch :l
;W[hr]WL[1395.505]C[Bazilikan [8k\]: thank you for the game
Bonaparte [10k\]: thank you
Bazilikan [8k\]: tynogo
Bonaparte [10k\]: A shame I didn't give you a good one
Bonaparte [10k\]: :)
Bazilikan [8k\]: its ok
Bazilikan [8k\]: you
tynogo [-\]: gg guys
Bazilikan [8k\]: have the same problom as tynogo
tynogo [-\]: me?
Suai [6k\]: lol white got an interesting moyo o.o or mightve
Bazilikan [8k\]: both of your tenuki's are off time
Bonaparte [10k\]: I ignored urgency
Bazilikan [8k\]: yes
Bazilikan [8k\]: always think
Bazilikan [8k\]: am i ok?
Bazilikan [8k\]: is he ok?
Bonaparte [10k\]: rematch?
Bazilikan [8k\]: whats big?
Bazilikan [8k\]: play tynogo
Bazilikan [8k\]: ill review it
Bonaparte [10k\]: fine
Bazilikan [8k\]: (with me audio)
tynogo [-\]: wait im still in reveiw
Suai [6k\]: :o can one of you guys show me how the top died?
(;B[cd]BL[1790.407]C[Bazilikan [8k\]: you too
Bazilikan [8k\]: btw
Bazilikan [8k\]: mind undoing that and playing q3 instead/?
Bazilikan [8k\]: im gonna have to turn my screen sideways otherwise
Bonaparte [10k\]: lol
Suai [6k\]: o.o
Bonaparte [10k\]: why?
Bazilikan [8k\]: because then ill have a good view on both sides
Bonaparte [10k\]: k
Bazilikan [8k\]: yay